Client Work: Website and Redesign and Art Direction


Competitive analysis, Comparative element analysis, Content Inventory, Survey development, User interviews, Card Sorting, Contextual inquiry, Usability testing, User journeys, Wire framing (low to high fidelity), Prototyping, User testing


Sketch, coffee, pencil and paper.


Updated Web design, images for email blasts


Mugi Studio is a small independent ceramics studio that provides space for artists, classes, and a gallery. They already had a website and some social media representation. The goal for this ongoing project is  to redesign the site to simplify their site and make information more findable, and present better on a mobile device.


  • Synthesized data
  • Design Ideation
  • Wireframes
  • Design Presentation

My Role

I acquired this project from another design team.  I am the sole designer on the project and am managing the site, email campaigns and all design projects.

Design Challenges